Rooted in the realm of Indigenous futurism, Biidaaban: First Light is an interactive VR time-jump into a highly realistic—and radically…
A Father’s Lullaby
_A Father’s Lullaby
A Father’s Lullaby is a multi-platform, community engaged project highlighting the role of men in raising children and their absence due…
Going Back Home VR
_Going Back Home VR
Going Back Home VR is a Chilean transmedia project that aims to remove prejudice about incarcerated people in addition to building a bridge…
Climate Witness Project
_Climate Witness Project
The Climate Witness project uses the power of storytelling for audiences to witness the impact climate change is already having to our lives.…
ECHO is an interactive installation that collects a diverse range of human stories as it travels internationally.
Happy New Year Hungary
_Happy New Year Hungary
A collaborative documentary that takes place in Hungary on New Year's Eve 2013-2014.
Through the Wardrobe
_Through the Wardrobe
Through the Wardrobe is a documentary mixed-reality installation that invites the audience to learn about and play with gender expression.
Zikr : A Sufi Revival
_Zikr : A Sufi Revival
Through a combination of 360-degree video and virtual interactivity, Zikr gives you a front-row seat to young singers and dancers while…
#ChalkedUnarmed is a grassroots movement and participatory documentary project raising awareness of police brutality and its victims.
96 Acres Project
_96 Acres Project
The 96 Acres Project is a series of site-specific art projects bringing together community members to address the impact of the Cook County…
#HACKED: Syria’s Electronic Armies
_#HACKED: Syria’s Electronic Armies
#Hacked is an interactive journalism game where users investigate cyberwarfare in the Syrian civil war while fending off hacks themselves.…
Do Not Track
_Do Not Track
Do Not Track is a personalized web documentary series about privacy and the web economy.
Papers, Please
_Papers, Please
Papers Please is a game which uses procedural rhetoric and game logic to simulate the experience of an immigration officer.
Phone Story
_Phone Story
A smartphone app about the dark side of consumer electronic manufacturing.