_Guernica, pintura de guerra

The first Spanish transmedia and multiplatform documentary in homage to the 70th anniversary of the bombing of the city of Guernica by the…

_Crisis Guide: Pakistan

Didactic and interactive, the Council on Foreign Relations’ "Crisis Guide: Pakistan" might hint towards a possible future for textbooks.

_The Test Tube With David Suzuki

Renowned scientist David Suzuki explains the dangers of overconsumption through data visualization.


Designers have long known that the right font can bring a document to life. With Type:Rider, it’s the typefaces themselves that come…

_God’s Lake Narrows

Interactive photo essay "God’s Lake Narrows" invites web visitors onto one of Canada’s 3,063 Native American reserves, giving an intimate…

_Assassin’s Creed III

A historical fiction action-adventure game, in which players can explore American cities during the 18th century

_A Cartography of Iconic Memory

A web-based documentary which attempts to recreate a site specific network-based experience in Iceland.

_Manic VR

MANIC VR is a virtual reality experience that combines animation with first-person audio recordings to offer viewers a look into the world…

_Flowers & a Switchblade

An everyday scene -- a real-life conversation in Brooklyn's Prospect Park -- collaged together from hundreds of videos to form a fractured,…

_Capture Wales / Cipolwg ar Gymru

Digital Stories are short, personal tales from the heart – multimedia sonnets from the people.

_Balloons of Bhutan

In the participatory documentary project "Balloons of Bhutan," artist Jonathan Harris investigates happiness in all its forms.

_Web of Terror

Web of Terror traces the process of gathering and analyzing intelligence in the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks.

_First World War

This interactive documentary is a global story of the first world war, with perspectives from ten historians from ten different countries.

_Le Lac

‘Le Lac’ is an immersive journey into Lake Chad, a once rejuvenating source of life for millions now under threat by climate change…

_Choose Your Own Documentary

In this interactive live performance, audiences vote to choose how the narrative will unfold. Choose wisely.